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Meetings are always on the 3rd Tuesday Jan-June and Sept-Nov.

Currently meetings are held in by Zoom.

          -- all are invited and your participation encouraged -

Get informed and involved in your community.  Membership is free.  We are an inclusive association and would like more input and participation from our neighbors.

                                                Your ELNA Board

February 18 General meeting

Meet the Shoreline Police Chief.

Email us at for the meeting link if you are not on our mailing list

For our Neighborhood association meeting link on Zoom

January 22 - 23 Parks design

The city will have workshops on park designs ror Westminster, Hemlock and West Echo Lake using money from the parks bonds.  You can fill out surveys as well.

West Echo Lake should be of particular interest to the neighborhood.

West Echo Lake is a new property acquisition on the west side of the Lake. Hemlock park will be at 192nd and Aurora adjacent to the existing Park & Ride. 

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Parkwood Elementary School Commons
1815 N 155th St, Shoreline, WA 98133

Hemlock & West Echo Lake:
Thursday, Jan. 23, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Dale Turner YMCA Teen Rec Room
19290 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline, WA 98133

For more information and links to the surveys see

January 21 Round table - Board elections

Email us at for the meeting link if you are not on our mailing list

For our Neighborhood association meeting link on Zoom

November 19 rescheduled to November 26, 2024 at 7 PM

Echo Lake Neighborhood Association Monthly meeting rescheduled due to weather related power outages.

Join us for information about Urbanist Shoreline and proposed Regional Fire authority.

Urbanist Shoreline

"We're a group of Shoreline residents who believe that our city can be welcoming, accessible, connected, safe, green, and joyful. We believe civic life is for everyone, and that getting involved in your community shouldn't require any special skills. We believe in fighting hard for the liveable city we want to see, and in having fun and making friends along the way!"

Urbanist Shoreline Webpage 

Regional Fire Authority

Information from the Shoreline Fire Department about the proposed Regional Fire Authority on the ballot in February 2025.

Regional Fire Authority Ballot Measure 




The Shoreline and Northshore Fire Departments have adopted a Joint

Resolution approving the Shoreline Regional Fire Authority Plan (“Plan”)

creating a Regional Fire Authority (“RFA”).

This proposition would approve the Plan to create the Shoreline Fire

Department RFA, effective May 1, 2025, to provide fire protection and

emergency medical services. The RFA funding is based on a property tax

of $.70 per thousand of assessed value, and a fire benefit charge. The

funding would replace the current property tax levies and fire benefit

charges collected by the Shoreline and Northshore fire districts.

Email us at for the meeting link if you are not on our mailing list

For our Neighborhood association meeting link on Zoom

October 15, 2024 at 7 PM

Echo Lake Neighborhood Association Monthly meeting

What’s happening in  the park system? 

With Nickolas Borer Shoreline Parks, Fleet, and Facilities Manager

Connecting Shoreline and Opportunities to our Neighborhood

With Mallory Van Abbema Shoreline Community Opportunities Coordinator

September 17, 2024 at 7 PM

Echo Lake Neighborhood Association Monthly meeting

“Lynnwood Link Extension Is Here – What Do You Think of It?

What’s Next in Shoreline?”

Email us at for the meeting link if you are not on our mailing list

For our Neighborhood association meeting link on Zoom

June 18, 2024 at 7 PM

Echo Lake Neighborhood Association Monthly meeting

Meeting with Sound Transit

Email us at for the meeting link if you are not on our mailing list

For our Neighborhood association meeting link on Zoom

May 21, 2024 at 7 PM

Echo Lake Neighborhood Association Monthly meeting

Meeting with Surface water Management of City of Shoreline

City of Shoreline staff John Featherstone and Stefan Grozev at the May 21, 2024 meeting of the Echo Lake Neighborhood Association (ELNA) as we explore historical, current, and future perspectives on surface water for the Echo Lake neighborhood, for Echo Lake, and the surrounding areas.

We went over current water quality monitoring programs, redevelopment standards for the Echo Lake watershed, and other City programs that have an impact on stormwater runoff and the health of the lake.

April 2024 at 7 PM

No Echo Lake Neighborhood Association meeting this month.

We sponsored Earth day events this month in lieu of a meeting.

For this year’s Earth Day weekend, ELNA hosted five interactive events, each consisting of a featured speaker followed by a "Bioblitz" gathering.

A bioblitz is a communal citizen-science effort to record as many species within a designated location and time period as possible. The first BioBlitz was held in Washington, D.C. in 1996. Approximately 1000 species were identified at this first event.

Friday, April 26, 11am, at Shoreline Park, 9030 1st Ave NE

Joy Wood of Green Shoreline Partnership,

"Forest Health and Ecological Restoration"

Saturday, April 27, 10am, at Densmore Pathway (188th between Ashworth and Densmore)

Marla Tullio, 

"Birds and plants of Shoreline's Densmore Pathway"

Saturday, April 27, 11am, at Echo Lake Park 19901 Ashworth Ave N

Ann Michel, 

“Flora, Fauna and Rainwater: the Future of Echo Lake”

Sunday, April 28, 10am, at Shoreline Park, 9030 1st Ave NE

Sara Cammeresi, 

"Native and Invasive Plants at Shoreline Park"

Sunday, April 28, 1:30pm at Midvale Gardens (southeast of 192nd & Midvale)

Derek Creisler,

"Workshop on Weeds - the Midvale Gardens project, its history, and where do we go from here"

Email us at for the meeting link if you are not on our mailing list

For our Neighborhood association meeting link on Zoom

March 19, 2024 at 7 PM

Echo Lake Neighborhood Association Monthly meeting.

Who needs green beer when you have green parks and gardens?

Tuesday March 19, 2024 Echo Lake Neighborhood Association meeting. Nick Borer, Shoreline Parks Manager.

So many of our activities focus on our parks. Speaking of which, we'll have updates from our members on the Densmore Pathway, Echo Lake Park, Shoreline Park, Midvale Gardens.

Also the Transit Station and the Loo.

And a wonderful new program for Earth Day - the BioBlitz.

February 20, 2024

Presentations on two exciting local projects.

The Tool Library is up and running and they just added a bicycle repair station. It's a big space in a building on Aurora you probably never noticed before. You'll want to notice it now because it is full of tools you can check out, use, and return. It's also a place you can donate tools when you start clearing out your garage.

Firlands Way is a project in the making. It is part of the original road through Shoreline. Now there is energy behind making community gathering space.  "Learn about the history of Shoreline's first Main Street and how it could be connected with a wide street to create a local place to gather and recreate."

Slides from the February 20 presentations.

24 Feb 20 for Echo Lake Neighborhood.pdf
Shoreline Tool Library - Outreach Presentation.pdf

January 16, 2024 at 7 PM

Round Table.

No December meeting.

Neighborhood association meeting.

November 21, 2023 at 7 PM

Midvale Gardens, Shoreline Master Plan

October 17, 2023 at 7 PM

ICHS presentation

Here Come the Judges Sept 19, 2023 at 7 PM

Park Bench dedication Tuesday, July 18th, 2023 at 6 PM at Echo Lake Park

Facebook Live video of the Dwight Stevens Bench dedication ceremony.

Facebook Live Video of dedication 

Photo of park bench with plaque text Dwight Stevens Founder Echo Lake Neighborhood Association

Dwight Stevens Bench at Echo Lake Park

Meeting Tuesday, June 20th, 2023 at 7pm on Zoom 

We’re Not Your Grandmother’s Senior Center!

June 20th Meeting recording 

Jeanne Elaine Monger February 19, 1948 – March 27, 2023

Photo of Jeanne Monger with sash and tiara

The Board of the Echo Lake Neighborhood Association is deeply saddened to report the passing of long time board member and consummate volunteer, Jeanne Monger.

Her obituary and memory page are online on Dignity Memorial. It's a wonderful accounting of her many contributions to ELNA and the wider Shoreline and Lake Forest Park community.

You can leave your comments and stories there. 


Celebration of Life

12:00 pm


14514 20th Ave NE

Shoreline, WA 98155

In Memory Of Jeanne Elaine Monger

To get on our mailing list: Contact us 

Like us on Facebook: Echo Lake Neighborhood Association


24 hr Message phone: ‭(206) 486-5712‬ (Voice mail or text)
